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We want to support research and activities driven by host countries and their development challenges and that are socially relevant and academically cutting edge. We are particularly interested in the following four broad domains :



We focus on resilience to environmental hazards and climate change and unpack these concepts with a gender and intersectionality lens. We support the development of knowledges that are critical and situated, indigenous and decolonial, establishing in-country research needs across different timeframes.

What difference would it make to re-envision the global development challenges through an intersectional and gender lens in  research,  policy making  and  development practice ?



We focus on resilience to environmental hazards and climate change and unpack these concepts with a gender and intersectionality lens. We support the development of knowledges that are critical and situated, indigenous and decolonial, establishing in-country research needs across different timeframes.

What difference would it make to re-envision the global development challenges through an intersectional and gender lens in  research,  policy making  and  development practice ?




We support research that examines the root causes of discriminations and inequalities at the intersection of social identities. That means we examine and question 'hierarchies' and 'categories' to better support a focus on power relations and imbalances that have historically undermined equal opportunities for all. Thinking intersectionally ties in with questioning how we know the world and how we produce knowledge. It also ties in with epistemic communities and cultures of knowledge, with notions of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.




We support research that examines the root causes of discriminations and inequalities at the intersection of social identities. That means we examine and question 'hierarchies' and 'categories' to better support a focus on power relations and imbalances that have historically undermined equal opportunities for all. Thinking intersectionally ties in with questioning how we know the world and how we produce knowledge. It also ties in with epistemic communities and cultures of knowledge, with notions of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.

critical theory
/ˈkridəkəl ˈTHiərē/

adj / noun

GRRIPP will disrupt the status quo to better question what needs to change to better foster development, well-being and resilience. A critical theory lens even questions these concepts, and aims to expand the field of sources and methodologies, adopting new epistemologies that reflect more diverse experiences and more local realities.

Key questions: What are the decolonial and feminist registers to rethink Resilience, Intersectionality, Infrastructure concepts?  What are the collective readings of non-conventional authors, minor or marginalised in the literature that help us to expand the reflection?

critical theory
/ˈkridəkəl ˈTHiərē/

adj / noun

GRRIPP will disrupt the status quo to better question what needs to change to better foster development, well-being and resilience. A critical theory lens even questions these concepts, and aims to expand the field of sources and methodologies, adopting new epistemologies that reflect more diverse experiences and more local realities.

Key questions: What are the decolonial and feminist registers to rethink Resilience, Intersectionality, Infrastructure concepts?  What are the collective readings of non-conventional authors, minor or marginalised in the literature that help us to expand the reflection?



GRRIPP aims to generate meaningful insights into considerations of gender responsive, risk aware, sustainable and resilient infrastructure in its various manifestations (human, political, economic, social, built) found in settlements at every scale.

Key questions: What and how infrastructures of care work, and how can they be best supported? What does it mean to think about equity and justice in infrastructure planning?



GRRIPP aims to generate meaningful insights into considerations of gender responsive, risk aware, sustainable and resilient infrastructure in its various manifestations (human, political, economic, social, built) found in settlements at every scale.

Key questions: What and how infrastructures of care work, and how can they be best supported? What does it mean to think about equity and justice in infrastructure planning?

The GRRIPP Project concluded on the 30 April 2024 but we would love to continue the network we have grown over the past 4 years. To continue GRRIPPs legacy, please subscribe to our formal mailing list by clicking here. 

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