Engaging with the Feminist City:
How does a feminist city present itself in different spaces and places?
An exploratory set of virtual events in November - December 2021 will explore how a range of scholars, practitioners, policy makers and activists are thinking about feminism and the city. Diverse groups of speakers from all geographical regions will discuss and address the following questions:
How are you thinking about feminism and the city? What is the range of concepts that you use to think through the feminist city? What values do different concepts bring? What does feminism and the city mean in practice? How are you engaging with / responding to / implementing elements of the feminist city? What are the emerging sources of inspiration and tensions for our collective future?
* Translation in Spanish and Portuguese available
16 November 2021
9 am (Peru)
2 pm (UK)
4 pm (South Africa)
8 pm (Bangladesh)
An introductory session convened by Dr. Hanna Ruszczyk and Dr. Ksenia Chmutina with four panellists:
Prof. Shilpa Phadke is a researcher at the Tata Institute for Social Sciences, India, and a writer whose research interests include gender studies, urban studies, and sexuality studies.
Sheela Patel is the founder Director of the Society for Promotion of Area Resource Centres (SPARC), an NGO based in India that supports community organizations of the urban poor to access secure housing and basic amenities and seek their right to the city.
Prof. JC Gaillard is a Professor of Geography at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His work focuses on power and inclusion in disaster and disaster studies.
Prof. Sarah Bradshaw is a Professor of Gender and Sustainable Development and Head of the School Law, Middlesex University, UK.
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South Asia
18 November 2021
9 am (Peru)
2 pm (UK)
4 pm (South Africa)
8 pm (Bangladesh)
This session was convened by Dr. Mahbuba Nasreen and Dr. Hanna Ruszczyk with four panellists:
Prof. Habiba Zaman is a Professor in the Department Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University and an Honorary Research Associate of Centre for India and South Asia Research (CISAR).
Monica Khosla Bhargava is the founder of Kham Consultants, a design consultancy rooted by ideas and theoretical insights of space. She has also been the editor of the International Newsletter Built Environment.
Prof. Ishrat Islam is a Professor in the Department Urban and Regional Planning at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and the Director of the Centre for Regional Development Studies (CRDS).
Seira Tamang is a researcher and author at the Martin Chautari research centre based in Kathmandu, Nepal. Some of her articles include ‘Legalising the state Patriarchy in Nepal, Studies in Nepali History and Society, 2000’.
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23 November 2021
9 am (Peru)
2 pm (UK)
4 pm (South Africa)
8 pm (Bangladesh)
Convened by Belen Desmaison and Ksenia Chmutina with four panellists:
Ana Falú is an architect, President of CISCSA - Ciudades Feministas in Argentina and Professor at the National University of Córdoba. She is a pioneer in promoting matters related to women’s right to the city, such as violence in the cities and its relationship to women.
Olga Segovia is an architect and Professor at the University of Chile and has consulted on a number of projects on the issues of public spaces, urban development, citizen security and gender violence.
Gonzalo Lizarralde is a professor at the School of Architecture at the Université de Montréal. He has fifteen years of experience in consulting for architecture and construction projects and has published numerous articles in the fields of low-cost housing and project management.
Atiliana da Silva Vicente Brunetto & Lucineia de Freitas Miranda represent Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement, Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) in Portuguese, a mass social movement, formed by rural workers and those who fight for land reform and against injustice and social inequality in rural areas.
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24 November 2021
8 am (Peru)
1 pm (UK)
3 pm (South Africa)
7 pm (Bangladesh)
Convened by Professor Cheryl Potgieter and Dr. Hanna Ruszczyk with six panellists:
Dr Kira Erwin is an urban sociologist, and Senior Researcher, at the Urban Futures Centre at the Durban University of Technology in Durban, South Africa
Omogolo Taunyane-Mnguni is the Founder and Executive Director of GBV Monitor South Africa, an NPO focusing on research and a systemic evaluation of the rural criminal justice system.
Dr Assumpta Nnaggenda-Musana balances running a design studio and teaching at Makerere University Department of Architecture and Physical Planning in her home city of Kampala, Uganda
Prof Noëleen Murray-Cooke is a South African architect and academic. She holds the Research Chair in the Humanities at the University of Pretoria.
Dr Suveshnee Munien is a Lecturer at the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa. Her research interests are influenced by the study of people and their interactions, impacts and uses of the natural environment.
Nocebo Bucibo is a photographer from Johannesburg and a doctoral candidate in the Research Chair in Critical Architecture and Urbanism, at the University of Pretoria. She has taught previously at Vega School and at the Market Photo Workshop, and been a photography lecturer at the Vaal University of Technology and Damelin.
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Towards practice
24 January 2022
9 am (Peru)
2 pm (UK)
4 pm (South Africa)
8 pm (Bangladesh)
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The final session will be convened by Professor Camillo Boano and Belen Desmaison, with three panellists:
Prof. Vanessa Castan Broto is a Professor of Climate Urbanism at the Urban Institute. Vanesa’s research focuses on the governance of global environmental change in the urbanization age.
Associate Prof. Paola Jirón is a Professor in the Department of the Instituto de la Vivienda (INVI) at the University of Chile.
Prof. Linda Peake is a Professor in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change and Director of the City Institute at York University, Toronto, Canada.