A digital magazine on Feminism and the City
June 2022
This digital magazine is a combination of photography, poems, reflections, A-Zs, and theoretical considerations of feminism and the city.
It results from a set of events held in November 2021 and January 2022 : “Engaging with the Feminist City: How does a feminist city present itself in different spaces and places?” which explored how scholars, practitioners, policy makers and activists were thinking about feminism and the city and what were the emerging sources of inspiration and tensions for our collective future.
The series of five conversations amongst 28 speakers and organisers has created an exciting debate about how and if to link feminism to the city. We listened and learnt from very different regional, disciplinary, personal perspectives.
For the digital magazine, the organizing team led by Hanna Ruszczyk, Ksenia Chmutina and Belen Desmaison, have received 24 contributions ranging from poems to photo essays to personal accounts and theoretical contributions from Africa, Latin American, South Asia, North America and Europe and in four languages (English, French, Portuguese and Spanish).