Database of Networks
December 2023
This database is an extension of GRRIPP’s knowledge-exchange, its spotlight and facilitation of initiatives from the Global ‘South’, and its democratisation of access to funding and resources. The database contains an array of useful networks across the globe who provide
either funding, resources, aid and services; or a space in which to disseminate research, call for support, or collaborate. The huge amount of knowledge contained within this database has been compiled and mapped by GRRIPPers from across four continents. We hope that
sharing this knowledge will springboard existing projects and facilitate the implementation of new ones, signposting resources for those who do not usually benefit from these opportunities.
In the document you will find a list of networks organised by region (Global, Africa, LAC, South Asia) and theme (e.g. Disaster Management, Environment, Land Rights, Gender Equality, LGBTQI+, Healthcare etc.). Theme headings vary, reflecting the known networks in each region.